“Yoga doesn’t just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.” -B.K.S. Iyengar

I am halfway through my Yoga and Spiritual Healing Retreat and it’s been amazing!  I have always wanted to do something like this. What better place for a first experience than Kathmandu, Nepal!


After the first session, I wondered if I got myself into something beyond me.  The sessions have been at a higher level than I have ever participated in in the past!  The breathing techniques were so new to me.  The yoga stretches and poses-wow!  Many were new to me and hard.  The chants and trataka (concentrated candle gaze), I was unfamiliar with, but the energy, it was the most incredible feeling throughout my entire body!


What have I discovered so far?


  • I have not taken care of my body the last 9 months
  • all the thousands of steps a day contributed to body stiffness, the tightness, and my achilles challenges
  • I am not as flexible as I would like to be
  • I am stronger and more capable than I thought
  • Really feeling and being within my body, mind, and soul is a beautiful thing
  • This world around us is a beautiful thing and life and each moment is a true gift
  • If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you
  • I have received so much love and support and have so much to give to to others


The three full days ahead bring me much joy and excitement.  I am excited to continue to be fully present with me, love me, and see how my body and mind open up more freely.  And I set new intentions; to be more connected with myself-body, mind, and soul.  Continue to make myself a priority physically, mentally, and spiritually.


At first I was hesitant as “I don’t have experience with all this” and financially it dented the budget.  But as I continue on this journey to take care of me, I am glad I did it, and have no regrets.  So far it has been the most loving and incredible gift to myself <3



*picture captured at a Spiritual Healing Yoga Retreat in Kathmandu,  Nepal




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