“Waves are the voices of tides. Tides are life” -Tamora Pierce

It is officially one year since I left Canada!!


(written at the 1 year mark, posted at 13 months and 2 weeks)


As I look back on the year and just hours away from bringing in the new year, I have so much to reflect on.  There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t feel grateful for this life and incredible opportunity to travel.

The food, wow!

Encounters with locals and other travelers, amazing.

The scenery, incredible!

I have experienced so many different cultures, and had so many adventures in 11 different countries.  But most importantly, I have experienced many life changing discoveries within!


I already knew, but through the year it has become even more evident.  It doesn’t matter where you go in this world, YOU are always there.  And with you, always, is the chaos, the noise, feelings, and challenges!  It doesn’t matter the distractions, the adventures, etc.  Your thoughts and emotions are there!  There have been days where many, and I mean many difficult thoughts and emotions have surfaced this last year!   By ‘pausing’ and observing and feeling the feelings, it has led to self-discovery,  further growth, and reconciliation in some areas!  Trying to navigate it at the young age of fifty has been somewhat challenging, as old habits still creep in and old wounds are still triggered.  Most recently, I have really begun the discovery of my personal values and beliefs, and challenging the old. I also have been learning what personal boundaries are and how important they are for my mental health and having healthy relationships with others.


I will never claim to have it all figured out (ever), it is all still foreign, confusing, uncomfortable, and yet exciting to me…and I have only just begun to scratch the surface, but it’s a start!


As I continue on this journey;  making decisions for myself, gaining further independence, and experiencing those aha! moments, I will embrace the uncertainties, experiences and adventures, the challenging lessons, and many conflicting emotions. And will continue to feel, learn, grow, become more resilient.  I have discovered that life events are neither good nor bad!  They come and go like waves!


Life is JUST


*photo taken Nha Trang, Vietnam



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