“Every time you find humor in a difficult situation, you WIN” -unknown

Well it happened!  10 months later and I have, for the first time, experienced homesickness!


My family and friends aside (okay, dill pickle dip and rippled chips too!) I would love to be in my own bed with my pillow, curled up with the familiar things that bring comfort and start to feel better.


Here I am with flu-like symptoms, navigating the healthcare system in Nepal, trying to nurse myself to good health on the other side of the world.


Mustering up enough energy to reflect on the experience, I decided to try to find the humour in it all and chalk it up to yet another adventure!


So here I am, the other side of the world, sending an SOS-PLEASE bring me lemons to go with my honey, ginger ale, and chicken noodle soup (you know the ones, in the package…not canned!)!  Oh, and if you have room, my pillow and flannel jammies!!!  Heehee!!!!


This is part of the reason why I have been MIA for too long!  After my yoga and spiritual healing retreat, I felt like I needed time to be with me, offline for a wee bit. And then illness hit.


So here I am, feeling healthy again and back online!!


I have to say a huge thank you to everyone who reached out to me during my silence to make sure I was okay, I appreciate all of you<3


Much love, FoxyMags

-Doing her best to trudge along this crazy journey called life!


*Picture captured in Calgary, Canada (2022)


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